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Naughty or Nice...

Dear Santa,

I can’t wait ‘til Christmas to roll the dice.

I’ve got to know if I’m naughty or nice.

So I’m sending this letter in hopes to discover

That you’ll find me nice as opposed to the other.

And if you’ve heard reports that I fight or shout,

I think I can explain if you’ll just hear me out.

On the holiday flicks life looks simple and cheesy.

But believe it or not, being a kid isn’t easy.

There are siblings to help and dinner to eat.

And don’t get me started on brushing our teeth.

There are rooms to clean and homework to do.

And all the while we are worried about you.

“Did he see me take that? Did he hear what I said?

When I wake up, does he know that I don’t make the bed?

And were his elves watching when I just pitched a fit?

Did they see when I pinched? When I pushed? When I hit?”

But if you and your elves could peak into my mind,

This would all make sense because you would find:

That my heart is quite good, and my motives are pure.

But I am quickly distracted, and I’m not always sure.

I’m still learning myself and I want to do right.

I’m guessing even parents can get scared at night.

And because of my wiggles, my emotions are tricky.

My brain needs repetition, I don’t always learn quickly.

But I want to help, and I want to be kind,

To keep up at school, and not fall behind.

I’m quick to forgive. And I smile a lot.

When I do something kind, it’s not always caught.

I try to make friends, and to listen to others.

Are adults always kind to their sisters and brothers?

Still, I can do better-- and I promise I’ll try

To help kids who are lonely, even when I feel shy.

And when night time comes, I’ll stay in my bed;

Thinking of good things I did, and sweet things I said.

I’ll hug my family, and we’ll laugh and we’ll play.

Thanks for your patience is what I’m tryin’ to say.

So when you’re reading the list and you’re checking it twice.

I hope to be found on the side that reads: “Nice”.




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